Nature Educational, Research and Development Orgnanization (NERDO)
- Name: Nature Educational, Research and Development Organization
- Acronym name:NERDO
- Famous to : Nature
- Registration Number: 2477
- Registered with: Ministry of Economy
- Date of Registration: 22.02.2012
NERDO (Nature Education, Research and Development Organization) is a non-profitable, non-political and independent organization that is established in the year 2012 in order to provide development & social services in various aspects such as Agricultural, Legal, Educational, Health, Environmental and other social services, and those services are regardless of ethnicity, nationality, language, religion, race, skin color, and region. The organization is doing its work in compliance with gender and competency in different activities. NERDO is an advocate, educator, catalyst and facilitator, promoting the wise use of the planet’s natural assets for sustainable development in the above mentioned sectors of the society.
The organization is headed by higher educated individuals and professional staff & board of directorate such as doctors, masters and lecturers from the University of Kabul, Balkh, Takhar and private educational institutions whom has various experience & skills in different sectors of development which are working together and served as advisors for the above mentioned divisions.
The Overall Goals:
To contribute and strengthening the resilience of vulnerable communities in various sectors of rural development such as Agricultural, Legal Status, Education, Health and Environmental protection.
Our Objectives:
- To increases the capacity of councils, Jergas and community based associations’ such as District Development Assembly (DDA), Community Development Councils (CDC) and target beneficiaries through raising their awareness regarding long term impacts of violence and encourage them to bring change in their rural areas in order to support women and children’s basic needs.
- To decrease mortality & morbidity rate among mother & child through providing standard basic health promotion program and result based awareness packages in the remote areas.
- To increases the capacity of small Business Development Associations (BDA) & support cooperatives, associations through specific improved agro-business methods & standard copping mechanism.
- To decrease violence against women & children through implementing best practices and raising awareness regarding long term impact of violence and encourage them to bring sustainable change in their lives.
- To increase life standard of farmers and agriculture production especially horticulture and fruit production of Afghanistan, by providing of training and modern forming techniques. To strengthening and promote livestock and all other forming related vocational training.
- The promotion and utilization of agriculture equipment’s in the forming with the idea of capital intensive forming systems that Afghanistan have to be self-sufficient country in agriculture products where those quality products could be sold out worldwide.
A Green Afghanistan with no family violence.
We are committed to decrease poverty and violence through improving of agricultural practices and effective coping mechanism against absurd tradition.
Core Values:
- Transparency
- Responsive
- Impartiality
- Equality
- Quality of Services